
Pointy Haired Dilbertのエントリーから、エクセルに小さいグラフやチャートを配置する7つの方法を紹介します。


Microcharting in Excel - 7 Alternatives Reviewed
キャプチャは6番目「Sparklines for Excel」のものです。

Want to be an Excel Conditional Formatting Rock Star ? Read thisのキャプチャ

Want to be an Excel Conditional Formatting Rock Star ? Read this

Improve your in-cell charts with colors and negative valuesのキャプチャ

Improve your in-cell charts with colors and negative values

Resizing regular excel charts to fit inside a cellのキャプチャ

Resizing regular excel charts to fit inside a cell

Creating in-cell bar charts / histograms in excelのキャプチャ

Creating in-cell bar charts / histograms in excel

In Cell Chartingのキャプチャ

In Cell Charting

Sparklines for Excelのキャプチャ

Sparklines for Excel

Charting for Excel and Microsoft Business Intelligenceのキャプチャ

Charting for Excel and Microsoft Business Intelligence


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