[JS]これは便利!YouTubeの動画をはじめ、VineやTEDやCodePenやツイートやPDFやGoogleマップまで簡単にページに埋め込めるスクリプト -Embed.js
Post on:2015年4月15日

- :heart:(ハート)や:smile:(スマイル)などの絵文字を使ったテキストを埋め込めます。
- リンクを検出して、goo.gl, ow.ly, bit.ly などの短縮URLに置き換えます。
- YouTubeやVimeoの動画をAPIから取得して埋め込みます。
- HTML5プレイヤーにサポートされたメディアファイル(.mp3, .mp4, .ogg, .webm, .ogv)を埋め込みます。
- PDFファイルをPDFビューワー付きで埋め込みます。
- コードをシンタックスハイライト対応で埋め込みます。
- Twitterのツイートを埋め込みます。
- Codepen, JS Bin, JSFieldなどのコードとプレビューを埋め込みます。
- SoundCloud, Spotifyの音楽ファイルを埋め込みます。
- dailymotion, vine, TEDなども埋め込みます。
- Googleマップを埋め込みます。


YouTube, Vimeoなどの動画もサポート。




デモ:CodePen、デモ:JS Bin、デモ:JSField
Codepen, JS Bin, JSFieldなどのコードとプレビューもサポート。



Step 1: 外部ファイル
<head> ... <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/jquery.embed.css"/> <script src="path/to/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="path/to/jquery.embed.js"></script> </head>
<head> ... <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/jquery.embed.css"/> <script src="path/to/jquery.min.js"></script> <!--==== ここからオプション =====--> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/8.4/highlight.min.js"></script> <script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script> <!--==== ここまでオプション =====--> <script src="path/to/jquery.embed.js"></script> </head>
Step 2: HTML
<div id="element"> <div> Some content here </div> <div> Some content here </div> ... ... </div>
Step 3: JavaScript
<script> $('#element').embedJS({ gdevAuthKey : 'xxxxxxxx' }); </script>
<script> $('#element').embedJS({ //The selector(id/class/tagName) inside #element that needs to be processed embedSelector :'div', //Instructs the library whether or not to embed urls link : true, //same as the target attribute in html anchor tag . supports all html supported target values. linkTarget : '_blank', //Array of extensions to be excluded from converting into links linkExclude : ['jpg','pdf'], //set false to show a preview of pdf links pdfEmbed : true, //set false to embed images imageEmbed : true, //set false to embed audio audioEmbed : false, //set false to show a preview of youtube/vimeo videos with details videoEmbed : true, //set false to show basic video files like mp4 etc. (supported by html5 player) basicVideoEmbed : true, //width of the video frame (in pixels) videoWidth : 640, //height of the video frame (in pixels) videoHeight : 390, //( Mandatory ) The authorization key obtained from google's developer console for //using youtube data api and map embed api gdevAuthKey : 'xxxxxxx', //Set google map location embed // Use @(place-name) to use this feature . Eg: @(Sydney) locationEmbed :true, //Instructs the library whether or not to highlight code syntax. highlightCode : true, //Instructs the library whether or not embed the tweets tweetsEmbed : true, tweetOptions:{ //The maximum width of a rendered Tweet in whole pixels. Must be between 220 and 550 inclusive. maxWidth : 550, //When set to true or 1 links in a Tweet are not expanded to photo, video, or link previews. hideMedia : false, //When set to true or 1 a collapsed version of the previous Tweet in a conversation thread //will not be displayed when the requested Tweet is in reply to another Tweet. hideThread : false, //Specifies whether the embedded Tweet should be floated left, right, or center in //the page relative to the parent element.Valid values are left, right, center, and none. //Defaults to none, meaning no alignment styles are specified for the Tweet. align : 'none', //Request returned HTML and a rendered Tweet in the specified. //Supported Languages listed here (https://dev.twitter.com/web/overview/languages) lang : 'en' }, //An array of services excluded from embedding... //Options : codePen/jdFiddle/jsBin/ideone/plunker/soundcloud/twitchTv/dotSub/dailymotion/vine/ted/liveleak/spotify //Can exclude all options by setting it to 'all' excludeEmbed :['twitchTv'], //Height of jsfiddle/codepen/jsbin/ideone/plunker codeEmbedHeight :300, soundCloudOptions: { height : 160, themeColor : 'f50000', //Hex Code of the player theme color autoPlay : false, hideRelated : false, showComments: true, showUser : true, //Show or hide the uploader name, useful e.g. in tiny players to save space) showReposts : false, visual : false, //Show/hide the big preview image download : false //Show/Hide download buttons }, vineOptions:{ width:500, type:'postcard' //'postcard' or 'simple' embedding }, //callback before pdf preview beforePdfPreview : function(){}, //callback after pdf preview afterPdfPreview : function(){}, // callback on video frame view onVideoShow:function(){}, //callback on video load (youtube/vimeo) onVideoLoad:function(){} //function to execute before embedding services beforeEmbedJSApply: function () {}, //callback after embedJS is applied afterEmbedJSLApply: function () {}, //callback after the twitter widgets of a BLOCK are loaded. onTwitterShow : function () {} }); </script>