HTML5をはじめる人、勉強したい人用のテンプレートファイル -Easy HTML5 Template
Post on:2011年1月28日

Easy HTML5 Templateのブラウザでの表示は、いたってシンプルです。

Easy HTML5 Templateの特徴
- 汎用性の高いシンプルなつくり
- HTML5の新しい要素に重点をおいて設計
- HTML5対応ブラウザはもちろん、IE6, IE7, IE8も考慮
- モバイルデバイスも考慮
- jQuery, Google Analyticsなどよく使用されるものを配置済み
Easy HTML5 Templateの外部ファイル
Easy HTML5 Templateで使用している外部ファイルです。
- screen.css
- Reset CSSには「Eric Meyer's reset」が使用されています。
- modernizr-1.6.min.js
- 「Modernizr」。HTML5やCSS3をサポートしているか調べ、CSSの場合はエレメントにclassを加えます。
- html5.js
- 「html5.js」。IE9未満(IE6~8)でHTML5の要素を利用できるようにします。
- jquery.min.js
- 「jquery.js」。JavaScriptのフレームワーク。
Easy HTML5 TemplateのHTML
<!doctype html><!-- simplified doctype works for all previous versions of HTML as well --> <!-- Paul Irish's technique for targeting IE, modified to only target IE6, applied to the html element instead of body --> <!--[if lt IE 7 ]><html lang="en" class="no-js ie6"><![endif]--> <!--[if (gt IE 6)|!(IE)]><!--><html lang="en" class="no-js"><!--<![endif]--> <head> <!-- simplified character encoding --> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Easy HTML5 Template</title> <meta name="description" content="Easy HTML5 Template"> <meta name="author" content=""> <!-- Delete these two icon references once you've placed them in the root directory with these file names --> <!-- favicon 16x16 --> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> <!-- apple touch icon 57x57 --> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png"> <!-- Main style sheet. Change version number in query string to force styles refresh --> <!-- Link element no longer needs type attribute --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/screen.css?v=1.0"> <!-- Modernizr for feature detection of CSS3 and HTML5; must be placed in the "head" --> <!-- Script tag no longer needs type attribute --> <script src="js/modernizr-1.6.min.js"></script> <!-- Remove the script reference below if you're using Modernizr --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> </head> <!-- If possible, use the body as the container --> <!-- The "home" class is an example of a dynamic class created on the server for page-specific targeting --> <body class="home"> <!-- ******************************************************************** --> <!-- The content below is for demonstration of some common HTML5 elements --> <!-- More than likely you'll rip out everything except header/section/footer and start fresh --> <!-- First header has an ID so you can give it individual styles, and target stuff inside it --> <header id="hd1"> <!-- "hgroup" is used to make two headings into one, to prevent a new document node from forming --> <hgroup> <h1>Easy HTML5 Template</h1> <h2>tagline</h2> </hgroup> <!-- Main nav, styled by targeting "#hd1 nav"; you can have more than one nav element per page --> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">About</a></li> <li><a href="#">Services</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header><!-- #hd1 --> <!-- This is the main "div" that wraps the content generically; don't use "section" for this --> <div id="main"> <!-- The first of two "section" elements for demo purposes; optional class added for styling (hs1 = "home section 1") --> <section class="hs1"> <!-- Each section should begin with a new h1 (not h2), and optionally a header --> <!-- You can have more than one header/footer pair on a page --> <header> <h1>This is a Page Sub Title</h1> </header> <p>Some content...</p> <!-- The h2 below is a sub heading relative to the h1 in this section, not for the whole document --> <h2>Demonstrating EM and STRONG</h2> <!-- "strong" is used for SEO and contextual hierarchy --> <p><strong>This text will have more importance (SEO-wise and contextually)</strong></p> <!-- "b" is used for stylistic offset of text that's NOT important contextually --> <p><b>This text has visual importance but has no contextual or SEO importance</b></p> <!-- "em" is used for colloquial-style emphasis --> <p>This is a <em>very</em> colloquial expression.</p> <!-- There can be multiple footers on each page --> <!-- Secondary headers and footers don't necesarily need ids; they can be targeted via context (i.e. ".hs1 footer") --> <footer> <!-- incite a riot: --> <p>Author: <cite>Louis Lazaris</cite></p> </footer> </section><!-- .hs1 --> <!-- This is another section; doesn't have header/footer because it's not required --> <section class="hs2"> <h1>This is another section</h1> <p>This is some dummy content</p> </section><!-- .hs2 --> </div><!-- #main --> <!-- The "aside" element could be a sidebar (outside an article or section) --> <!-- Or it could reference other tangentially-related content within an article or section --> <aside id="sidebar"> <p>Sidebar content</p> </aside> <!-- The main footer has an ID for targeting, similar to the main header --> <footer id="f1"> <p>copyright © year</p> </footer><!-- #f1 --> <!-- Remote jQuery with local fallback; taken from HTML5 Boilerplate --> <!-- jQuery version might not be the latest; check --> <script src=""></script> <script>!window.jQuery && document.write(unescape('%3Cscript src="js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"%3E%3C/script%3E'))</script> <!-- Below is your script file, which has a basic JavaScript design pattern that you can optionally use --> <!-- Keep this and plugin scripts at the bottom for faster page load; combining and minifying scripts is recommended --> <script src="js/general.js"></script> <!-- asynchronous analytics code by Mathias Bynens; change UA-XXXXX-X to your own code; --> <!-- this can also be placed in the <head> if you want page views to be tracked quicker --> <script> var _gaq = [['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X'], ['_trackPageview']]; (function(d, t) { var g = d.createElement(t), s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; g.async = true; g.src = ('https:' == location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s); })(document, 'script'); </script> </body> </html>